Garrett's surgery is set for today, we just don't know the time yet. Which is really frustrating Garrett because he's HUNGRY! He hasn't eaten since lunchtime yesterday and is on NPO until the operation. So, when he comes out the other side, he'll be ravenous and probably still unable to eat for 12-24 hours post-op because they'll keep him on fluids and clear foods (jello, which he hates, chicken broth, which he also hates) to watch the stoma output. I haven't told him this last part, since he keeps asking for candy and will probably kill the messenger. I'll let the nurses take that bullet. Unlike other stays, Garrett is in pretty good shape coming in. He's put weight on, his muscles are strong again, and he's happy. So, we're hopeful that the stoma revision secures his small intestine and he stops having prolapses when he runs and plays. More to come...