Garrett was admitted to CHOP on Monday night. He started to have some abdominal pain around his stoma this past Saturday, then threw up multiple times Sunday and Monday. Because he's an IBD kid, we were immediately concerned that there could be a blockage in his GI tract, but we were also hoping it may just be a virus he caught from Gibson. However, his condition did not improve and we brought him to the ED on Monday afternoon. A sump tube was inserted nasally to drain his stomach and to administer contrast for a CT scan. After the CT scan, there was good and not-so-good news: the blockage seems to be right at the stoma and there were no adhesions further up the small intestine to address (the really, really good news)... however, the blockage has not resolved itself after several attempts to help it, and Garrett now needs to undergo a stoma revision (ie, surgery... the not-so-good news). Garrett is currently scheduled for the procedure around 11am this morning. Stoma revisi...